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We are manufacturers and designers of professional camera stabilizers.

The best source for filmmakers worldwide.

We provide the most advanced camera stabilizers for the camera stabilizer operators.

Also for the community of motion picture from all over the world since 1997.

We have the best customer service with our worldwide warranty.

BLACKBEE HYBRID READY, with 6 springs arm with decompressor for cameras from 3kg to 12,5kg.
Price includes Free Shipping Worldwide door to door delivery by Fedex & Free Custom taxes up to 98%.

BLACKBEE HYBRID READY, Basson Steady Camera stabilizer, payload 3kgs - 12,5kgs

    This professional camera stabilization system is ideal for camcorders from 6 lbs = 3kgs up to 27 lbs = 12,5kgs, it is ready and compatible with hybrid rotary heads ENDLESS or INFINIA, this steady it is already customized for that purpose from the beginning.


    This NEW hybrid camera stabilizer version has several differences, such as the new isolate arm with decompressor which reduces the fatigue and duplicates the time you can hold it.

    Now it is compatible with most Dji RONIN RS2 and Dji RONIN 4D gimbals or other similar gimbals.


    At the top of the center post now we provide D-TAP 14,8v to power your DJI Ronin RS2 & Ronin 4D gimbals. You can also attach your phone as a monitor to the handle of the steady to control the Dji Ronin RS2 gimbal with the App wireless.


    Now you can mount to one the of the clamps on the handle of the steady a wireless Tilta Thumb controller for the DJI Ronin RS2 gimbal and also attach it to the handle of our steady to control the lens focus as well as to press record start and stop.


    You can also add to the Dji gimbal the 3d focus system lidar scanner to the Dji Ronin RS2 and Dji Ronin 4d gimbals to add autofocus capability to non autofocus cinema lenses.


    You will also be able to attach to one the of the clamps on the handle of the steady the monitor of the Ronin 4d. This wireless High-Bright Remote Monitor can connect to the Hand Grips of Ronin 4D. This enables remote control of focus and gimbal movements with high precision, starting and stopping of recording, which can now be remotely adjusted even when Ronin 4D is mounted on top of our Hybrid gimbal-steady camera stabilizer.

    Also on top of the center post now it has HDMI, SDI, USB and D-TAP 14,8v and the plug with 25volt output to power the gimbal rotary head.

    You can now power your camera thru the D-TAP connector on top of the post.

    So if you have any RED or ARRI camera with v-mount batteries you no longer need it on the camera, you can use the power of any of the 3 v-mount batteries that you can place at the bottom of the center post, this way you reduce the weight on top of the steady.

    In the lower part of the central post now includes a sliding base with two additional sockets for v-mount batteries, which allows having a better foot that helps to keep the stabilizer more stable and a better balance control since sliding this base helps Improve the rolling, due to the physical laws with greater foot better stability.

    It comes with 3 v-mount sockets instead of 1, which increases the time of usage by 3, it also has a 24v output to power the rotary head. It also has already installed 3 USB cables to connect them to any vmount battery with USB port.

    The new gimbal handle puts total control over your camera into the palm of your hand, because now it has 3 articulated clamps with 1/4 male screw to attach any 5 inch or 7 inch monitor as well as a phone to control the camera via app, and a third clamp to attach a wireless lens control to control the zoom or focus of your lens.

    It comes with HDMI and SDI cables, as well as with USB-C  and Apple Iphone lightning cables, it also comes with a 14v output on the gimbal handle to power this monitor, and it also comes with the new quick release sliding plate on top, all this new parts will replace the old parts of the classic Blackbee Pro 6 and also the pivot head will be replaced for the new flat head with the quick release plate.

    It's the perfect choice for customers willing to buy the rotary head in the near future, but also all this improvements makes this version our top camera stabilizer.

    Another tip is that you can use the female lighter plug that is located at the bottom of the center post, to plug any a male lighter plug with USB charger with dual outputs to power or to charge any of the accessories you may want to use with this new hybrid camera stabilizer. 

    Today all new devices can be charged via USB, so you can take advantage of that and power or charge any device such as the wireless lens controller hand unit and motor, as well as any other device such as your Cell Phone that can be used to monitor and to take full control of your video camera via app, or to power any USB led light, you can also charge or power any USB power bank.

    For example on this photo we are using the the Male lighter plug Smart Car Finder from ZUS, that its not only a high quality dual USB charger but also a safety measure for the steady that thru an app on your cellphone will tell you where is your steady on a map.

    So each time you turn on the camera stabilizer the app will point exactly where it is on a map thru the app on your cell phone.

  • Packing List 
    1 double Telescopic Anamorphic post, ready to mount up to 3 lcd monitors of 12v, and one phone to control your camera via app 

    1 Double shock absorber arm WITH DECOMPRESSOR with triple pulley system and 6 springs

    2 HDMI and SDI Wires and two 14,4 volts to power any lcd monitors, already installed inside the post. (HDMI+SDI+USB-C+DTAP) you can now power your camera thru the D-TAP connector on top of the post.

    So if you have any RED or ARRI camera with v-mount batteries you no longer need it on the camera, you can use the power of any of the 3 v-mount batteries that you can place at the bottom of the center post, this way you reduce the weight on top of the steady.

    2 Camera micrometric sliding plates with new flat head with top release plate
    3 Sockets for V-MOUNT batteries
    1 triple padded vest with low fatigue arm, and extended swivel arm
    1 Fully bearing mounted triaxial handle with 3 articulated clamps.
    1 Lighted Lcd display to see battery level, 2 female lighter plugs 12v positive to center.
    1 Introductory Cd rom
    1 Docking bracket adapter with hanger for a focus stand
    1 Warranty card + set up guide

    Picture taken with V-mount battery, camera and Lcd monitors not included.


    You will need only one lcd monitor of 7 inches or up to 10 inches, but you can also ad a second monitor to the handle if you want in this case with a 5 inch lcd monitor you will be ok because it will be closer to your eyes at just one feet and also because you need a compact size.

    The lcd monitors must have HDMI input and output, one could be size 5 inches to mount it on the handle and one of 7 inches or up to 10 inches to mount it on the normal position at the bottom of the center post, both Lcd monitors must be 12v. to 14,8volts, that is the standard for all video monitors.

    You can also have on the camera on the side or behind your camera a third LCD monitor with SDI for a good reading of all professional specs, and from this monitor you can output via hdmi the video signal to the other lcd monitors on the camera stabilizer, then of course if you are not using HDMI video signal at all you can change the HDMI wires that goes inside the center post, and change it for SDI cables.

    If you want only SDI cables inside the post instead of HDMI cables, this modification job can be done by us in our factory specially for you for u$s 400.-

    We will remove the HDMI cables and put two SDI wires model 1855A Belden (Digital Video, 6 Gb/s UHDTV resolution of 3,840 x 2,160 pixels, HD-SDI 1080p) 75 Ohm SDI Coax, Mini RG-59, 23 AWG Solid Bare Copper Conductor, PE Insulation, Foil + 95% Tinned Copper Braid. You can check the full specs of the cable under the follwing link.

    Or if you preffer you can do this modification on your own if you are a handy person or if you have your own technician. So once you receive the steady you can remove the top plate and also open one of the side panels of the base of the post and gently remove the hdmi wires and place the new sdi wires instead. Or you want it more simple you can use an external SDI cable to connect your camera to the monitor at the bottom of the post with 6 feet long SDI cable, and this way you will not need to make any modifications so when you need SDI video signal you use an external SDI cable, and if you need HDMI video signal, you already have it installed inside the center post of the steady.

    The 3 v-mount batteries that you can put on the steady are only to power the lcd monitors, so to power your camera you must put your own battery behind the camera as always. So you will have plenty of battery with 3 v-mount batteries to power 3 lcd monitors all day.

    You also need any Stand capable to support at least 40kg / 80 Lbs at a height of 4 feet /1.30mts. For example Manfrotto 070.

    And finally 3 V-MOUNT batteries, and its chargers.

    We accept bank transfer as well as PAY PAL payments, with this last opcion we will only ship your purchase to Pay Pal verified address, and also paypal fees must be paid by the customer, this fees increase the price a 5,5%.

    The price of the camera stabilizer includes FREE shipping Worldwide door to door delivery by Fedex.



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LEGAL NOTICE: Do not be confused, we are Basson Steady Camera Stabilizers, manufacturers of all kind of camera stabilizers, specially dedicated to manufacture and design wearable type stabilizers, hybrid and mechanic, as well as gimbals, rotary heads, handheld stabilizers and more.

All the camera stabilizers we sell in our website have our own brand name Basson Steady on it, and we do not sell our camera stabilizers with any other competitor brand name or logo, so if you are looking for any other brand of manufacturer you must go to their own website.

The use of a mentioned trademark brand names to describe our goods or services is known as 'nominative fair use' this is a non-infringing use, this brand names are mentioned neither to create confusion, nor to disparaging the trademarked product. It is also permitted to use a trademark as a means for comparison.

Comparative advertising it is also allowed, since it benefits consumers by providing several options and encouraging competition. It is also allowed the use of similar words associated to registered brand names or products mentioned in this website that have become generic with the years due to their name's widespread popularity, it is a non-infringing use.


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Informational Uses of a Trademark Are Permissible Informational (or “editorial”) uses of a trademark do not require permission from its owner.

Finally, you are also permitted to use trademarks for purposes of parody or commentary without fearing a claim of trademark infringement.

Using Trademarks for Comparison Under trademark law you are generally permitted to use a trademark as a means for comparison. For example, you could create a newspaper advertisement that incorporates your mark and your competitors' marks in order to describe a difference between the companies.

A trademark does not mean, however, that no one else can use your word, phrase, or symbol in connection with any and all goods and services. In an effort to promote competition and fair use, the Federal Trade Commission carved an exception to the general rule protecting trademark owners.

Necessary use of a third-party trademark to describe your goods or services is known as 'nominative fair use'  this is a non-infringing use where there is no likelihood of confusion.

The fair use doctrine allows a competitor to use a trademarked product name without permission if the use is not likely to create confusion. Nominative use occurs when a business must use a trademarked product name to identify the trademark owner's product. The Federal Trade Commission encourages companies to use comparative advertising, since it benefits consumers by providing several options and encouraging competition.

According to the Federal Trade commission, companies can use a trademark owner's product name for comparative advertising purposes, as long as the competitor is not disparaging the trademarked product or its owner and can substantiate its claim.

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