Arri Trinity 2 camera stabilization system vs Basson Steady 8 axis camera stabilizer model Endless 4.
If you are looking to update your film gear to the new standards of professional camera stabilization system for the filmmaking industry, and if you are already tired of carrying a heavy weight cinema camera with your own hands on a handheld gimbal 3 axis stabilizer, then you must consider investing on the Arri Trinity 2, or the new Basson Steady Endless 4 Hybrid camera stabilizer.

This two hybrid camera stabilizers systems were recently launched and updated.
The new Basson Steady Endless 4 was launched in March 2022, and the Arri Trinity 2 was launched in April 2022, both hybrid camera stabilization systems are the best camera stabilization solution on the market today, no doubt about that.
Both are high quality products and the most advanced camera stabilization systems ever made, with different designs and different price ranges, but with one thing in common, both high end hybrid electro mechanic gimbal camera stabilizers.
Basson Steady Endless 4 – An Affordable Alternative to ARRI Trinity 2?
The answer is Yes, the Basson steady Endless 4 is an affordable solution for any filmmaker worldwide, you will achieve professional cinematic shoots at an affordable price starting with any of the 2 versions, the Blackbee Endless 4 u$s 11.800.- and the Silverarrow Endless 4 for u$s 12.500.- for a complete set up, this means the center post with the rotary head, vest, and double shock absorber arm.
On the other side a complete set up of an Arri trinity 2 basic kit you will need to invest a total of u$s 84,970.- for a complete set including the center post, vest, double shock absorber arm, and rotary head.
If you don’t care about spending u$s 84,970.- then the Arri trinity 2 camera stabilization system will work perfect and its a great option, with the best quality possible as with all Arri products.
According to bhphotovideo a professional source for filmmaker the price to pay for this beauty it’s the sum of several components sold separetelly.
It starts with an upgrade kit for the center post that is the rotary head and other small parts, if you already have the Artemis gen 2 center post, then you will need to start with this upgrade for just u$s 45.000.-
ARRI TRINITY Gen 2 Upgrade Set for ARTEMIS 2
If you have to upgrade the gen 1 Artemis post then you will need to spend s$s 54.000.- just for the post upgrade. ARRI TRINITY 2 Upgrade Set for artemis Gen 1
If you do not have neither of this Artemis center posts, then you must buy a center post Artemis 2 for u$s 19960.-
ARRI ARTEMIS 2 with 1.8" Standard Post (Basic Set)
Then you will also need the double shock absorber arm, so for that you must buy the ARRI Artemis Carbon Spring Arm (57.3 lb) u$s 15.620.-
Plus the price for an ARRI artemis vest u$s 4390.-
So for the basic kit of this beauty Arri trinity 2 complete set post, vest, double shock absorber arm, and rottary head, you will need to invest a total of u$s 84,970.-

BASSON STEADY ENDLESS 4 Technical Specifications
Basson Steady developed two models, the Blackbee Endless 4 u$s 11.800.- for payload 1kg/6kgs or 2kgs/ 12kgs for a complete set up.
And then the other model is the Silverarrow Endless 4 for u$s 12.500.- for payload 1kg/8kgs or 5kgs/ 16kgs for a complete set up.
This means the center post with the rotary head, vest, double shock absorber arm. For more detailed information about the Basson Steady Endless 4 you can got to the following link. https://www.bassonsteady.com/endless
ENDLESS 4, two versions for all needs
Building what you dream of
The Endless 4 is the go-to hybrid gimbal steady camera stabilizer with electronic horizon & pitch, the choosen one for professional filmmakers worldwide.
Endless 4 Silverarrow for payload 1kg/8kgs or 5kgs/ 16kgs.
Endless 4 Blackbee for payload 1kg/6kgs or 2kgs/ 12kgs.
Combining this hybrid stabilizers with the new digital cameras brings endless possibilities for your projects.
Now supports bigger cameras, the maximum recommended camera sizes are, 48cm length, 20cms height and 18cm width, but as you see on the pictures it can hold cameras up to 50cm lenght such as the Arri alexa mini with both motors ON, and if you turn off the pitch motor you can use cameras, up to 52 cm length, 22cm height and 18cm width.
Beyond your imagination
You can add 2 SDI & HDMI Lcd Monitors of 12volts, with 1/4" female screw.
We recommend 5" for the handle & 7" to 9" for the bottom of the center post
This monitors can be powered with the installed 2,5mm mini jack cables. Also on top of the center post now it has HDMI, SDI, USB, D-TAP 14.8v, and a plug with 25volt to power the rotary head.
On the handle you also have the same options, and at the bottom you have SDI, HDMI, a lighter plug with 14.8volts & 3 USB cables to connect them to any v-mount battery with USB port.
Setting the new standards
This NEW HYBRID Basson Steady ENDLESS 4 it's a mix between physic-mechanic and electronic, best of both worlds.
Now it comes with HDMI, SDI video signals, USB-C to power any accessory and D-TAP 14,8v to power your camera, and the plug with 25volt output to power the gimbal rotary head.

Innovative minds make wonders
Now it is compatible with Dji RONIN RS2 & Dji RONIN 4D gimbals or other similar gimbals.
You can mount to one the of the clamps on the handle of the steady a wireless Tilta Thumb controller for the DJI Ronin RS2 gimbal and also attach it to the handle of our steady to control the lens focus as well as to press record start and stop.

Compatible with Dji RONIN RS2
Get every solution right here
This new stabilizer can be used in 3 different modes, First as a regular steady, Second you can add any Dji Ronin RS2 gimbal on top of the steady, & Third with our gimbal rotary head.
At the top of the center post now we provide D-TAP 14,8v to power your Dji Ronin RS2 & Ronin 4D gimbals. You can also attach your phone as a monitor to the handle of the steady to control the Dji Ronin RS2 gimbal with the App wireless.

Creative engineering only with us
Best hybrid camera stabilizer for your Dji Ronin Rs2 and Dji Ronin 4d.
Get instant autofocus on your Dji Ronin Rs2 with a RED Komodo or Black Magic 6K pocket cameras just by adding the Dji 3d focus system, and convert them to autofocus cameras and lenses.
Basson Steady Endless 4 hybrid camera stabilizer
Innovation and creativity
The handle of the steady has 3 articulated clamps with 1/4" screws to attach the monitor closer to your eyes. Also for a cellphone to control your camera via App, & a wireless focus controller. All with provided power cords, 12v, USB-C & Mac Lightning.
No more blind spots.You can now shoot backwards while walking forward with your steady without compromising framing your shoot and also allows you to verify without any effort if the focus is correct or not.

With decompressor to reduce fatigue
This new arm at least DUPLICATE the time you can hold the steady on your body, it also increases the absorption and produce a noticeable reduced fatigue on your back as a result of the isolate effect of the arm. A new generation of shock absorber arm, this new version works as an ISOLATE double shock absorber arm with 6 springs, top technology stabilization & weight distribution.

The most comfortable vest
Triple padded vest, with extended arm to reduce fatigue and swivel arm.
Our comfortable triple padded vest can easily hold any camera with a payload of up to 17kgs. The new extended bracket reduce the fatigue for long day shootings. the best choice for heavy weight cameras.

3 v-mount sockets
When performance matters
With 3 v-mounts sockets you have more than enough power to run the rotary head as well as your camera and monitors for long periods.
The sliding bottom plate that holds the 2 v-mount batteries can be moved back and forth to help with the balance of the steady. Nowadays almost all v-mount batteries comes with USB ports, so you can plug there the 3 USB cables included to power any accessory on the steady.

Experience & innovation in a single gear
Endless 4 best hybrid gimbal steady camera stabilizer for your Arri Alexa LF & Alexa Mini. The perfect choice for drama series, feature films & commercials
Take advantage of our new Endless 4 hybrid gimbal stabilizer, the affordable alternative cinema tool designed and tested with Alexa Mini & Alexa Mini LF digital cameras.

Technology at the speed of life
Let your thoughts fly high with the New Endless 4 Hybrid gimbal stabilizer
Best camera stabilizer for all RED digital cinema cameras. The right choice by professional cinematographers from video & film industry, the perfect multi purpose camera stabilizer for drama series, feature films, & commercials.

Discover what's possible
Best gimbal stabilizer for Arri Alexa mini & RED cinema cameras
Combining our hybrid gimbal steady with the compact size and low weight of the new digital cinema cameras, brings exciting new creative possibilities for your projects.

ARRI Trinity 2 technical Specifications

As we mentioned before in this blog, Arri offers an update if you already have an arri artmis gen1or gen 2 to convert it into an ARRI TRINITY 2. This new release was designed to be more modular.

The ARRI TRINITY 2 Upgrade Set for ARTEMIS 2 enables you to transform your existing ARTEMIS 2 stabilizer into a five-axis TRINITY system for camera rigs up to 66 lb.
Upgrade components include the 16-pin TRINITY Head Gen 2, the BHM-2 Battery Hanger Module, the 16-pin TST-2 artemis Top Stage Gen 2, the TPD-2 Pendulum Gen 2, the RCP-3 Remote Control Panel, DUB-3 and SAM-Zero camera plates, cabling, counterweights, and more.
Use this upgraded stabilizer to create wide-ranging, revealing shots with high-to-low or vice versa moves. When held at a 45° angle and twisted left or right, the TRINITY can even be used to peek around corners.
The compact TRINITY system is compatible with ARRI ALEXA LF, Mini LF, Mini, AMIRA, 235, and 416 cameras or third-party cameras with similar dimensions and form factors.

The second-generation TRINITY Pendulum is even more compact than the first iteration.
A new addition is the TRINITY Master Grip, which controls the TRINITY head via L-bus.
It's a joystick with three buttons on the top and a copy of the same controls on the bottom allows control options and configurations.
TRINITY Pendulum

TRINITY Master Grip

The TRINITY 2 head redesigned now have more clearance for the camera, both in width and height. The motors were also repositioned to the bottom, giving operators better access to their cameras.
TRINITY 2 head

TRINITY 2 monitor

A second-generation battery hanger is shared between the TRINITY 2 and ARTEMIS 2 systems, with the ARRI’s new 24v standard, and with three battery inputs.
The battery hanger is also modular, allowing the operators to balance their batteries, while also providing swappable battery plates for B-Mount, Gold Mount, and V-Mount.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts
Which one should should you buy?
The ARRI TRINITY and ARTEMIS stabilizer systems are known by beign great quality products but pricy, it’s not something you can pick up at your nearest camera store.
If you have the budget for this, do not hesitate its an excellent product.
But If you are not one of the lucky top10 most famous Hollywood filmmakers with the budget to buy it, then for the rest of the humans on earth the Basson Steady Endless 4 is a great option, and a complete set up at an affordable price with similar specs and excellent stabilization results.

At Basson Steady, we believe in a straight forward, all-inclusive pricing model, our professional hybrid camera stabilizers includes all the parts, the rotary head, the center post, the triple padded vest and the double shock absorber arm, you will just need to buy the v-mount batteries and the lcd monitor to make it work.
For this reasons also Basson Steady Endless 4 hybrid camera stabilizer is the most cost efficient solution for professional filmmakers.

But, don’t take it just from us.
In an independent Camera stabilization analysis, Steadycam Basson Steady camera stabilizer model Endless scored in top position as the best Vest system stabilizer.
Below you have just a few more reasons why Steadycam Basson Steady hybrid camera stabilizer is the leading hybrid camera stabilization system alternative.

Hear it straight from other professional sources
According to Studio Binder report about 15 best camera stabilizer systems, they qualified Basson Steady hybrid camera stabilizer model Endless as the best vest system stabilizer on the market
Pros: This stabilizer is really fun to watch. If you ever get the chance to operate it, you’ll quickly begin to understand why so many engineers and scientists seem to be a common profession among comic book villains.
The Basson Endless is the Mac Laren of stabilizers. This thing has shock absorbers, a place for 2 monitors, HDMI wires installed in the post, and can support cameras up to 8kgs inside the rotary head and 16,5kgs cameras if you remove the rotary head, It is super quiet and can be used while running sound without any issues.
The Basson Steady hybrid camera stabilizer Endless supposedly doubles the amount of time an operator can be in the field before they become fatigued when compared to other vest systems, due to the new design of the triple padded vest and the new isolated double shock absorber arm
You can adjust the monitors to allow very complex movements while still keeping your subject perfectly framed. The vests are super comfortable, and the design is very sleek.
Cons: Reserved for high-end cameras and ultra budget filmmaking.
According to Cinescopophilia website a professional source for filmmaker
“Endless is an Amazing 8-axis Hybrid Camera Stabilizer”
Basson Steady introduce the New World’s First 8 Axis Hybrid Camera Stabilizer with Electronic Horizon & Electronic Pitch.”
Hear it also from another professional film company from Dubai:
Taken from Mudville Dubai blog, professional filmmaking company from Dubai.
Today we got confirmation on our tracking number for our specialist steadi system, its basically a steadicam on steroids with a gyro head, it allows us to setup quickly, move between the shots and the best thing it works with our EpicM and EpicX.
It take us more then a year to decide on the best rig for our company and we are happy to say it will be here next week sometime. We invite all to come an view and can't wait to have it on set.
What do you think, are you ready for a Steadycam Basson Steady?
for further information about our hybrid camera stabilization system please visit our website:
The best source for steadicam operators and filmmakers worldwide.
We are manufacturers and designers of professional camera stabilizers, providing the most advanced camera stabilization systems for the community of motion picture and camera stabilization operators from all over the world since 1997.
Contact us:
Basson Steady in U.S.A (United States)
For more information or for specific requests, please contact our customer service:
Miami U.S.A: +1 (305) 83-44752
Tel / whatsapp: + (54911) 44726757
(Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 17.00 (U.S.A East coast time)
email: pplaul@hotmail.com
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