The best New Zealand source for video camera Operators and filmmakers.
We are manufacturers and designers of professional Camera Stabilizers and Hybrid camera stabilizers, providing the most advanced camera stabilization systems for the community of motion picture and camera stabilization operators from all over the world since 1997.
We celebrate our 23rd Anniversary with a hole new line of
professional electro mechanic hybrid steadycam camera stabilizers
New Products Steadycam Basson Steady camera stabilizer, 8 axis hybrid steadycam gimbal
Camera Stabilizer Steadycam Shop Online New Zealand
Hybrid camera stabilizer steadycam rigs & mechanic steadycam rigs Online Store
New Zealand Official Steadycam Online Store, professional camera stabilizers for the most exigent steadicam operators and filmmakers.
We are manufacturers and designers of professional camera stabilizers steadycam systems, mechanic and hybrid steadycam gimbals.
Our prices for our steadycam camera stabilizer gimbal in u$s dollars includes FREE SHIPPING worldwide door to door delivery by Fedex, also includes SALES TAX, VAT or TVA, and also includes FREE custom taxes up to 98%
If you already are a professional steadycam operator the new
steadycam gimbal with 8 axis Hybrid camera stabilizer is a dream come truth! the perfect steadycam dslr gimbal camera stabilizer
Steadycam Basson Steady camera stabilizer, was found in 1997 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Since then the company has constantly improved on existing methods and materials to produce the best steadycam camera stabilizer on the market, at the same time we have developed new methods to meet the chalenge presented by technological progress.
Steadycam Basson Steady camera stabilizer is a well known trully professional camera stabilizer steadycam on the market, and as result of that our professional steadycam camera stabilizers are currently being operated in five continents.
This new 8 axis Hybrid STEADYCAM BASSON STEADY camera stabilizers it's a mix between physic-mechanic and electronic, best of both worlds.
Our new Hybrid STEADYCAM BASSON STEADY camera stabilizer comes with an electronic board controller that will hold the camera horizontally stable all the time, regardless of the axis you are moving the steady.
This new 8 axis hybrid STEADYCAM BASSON STEADY camera stabilizer are easy comparable to the Arri trinity rig, or to the mk-v ar rotary head systems, all different designs and products with one thing in common, all high end hybrid electro mechanic gimbal steadicam camera stabilizers.
All brand names, models, trademarks, and registered trademarks mentioned in this description are property of their legal owners and are being used here only for description.
Latest blog posts news about
Steadycam Basson Steady camera stabilizer
Help purchasing, Frequent asked questions, Warranty, English technical support, soporte en Español
Welcome to steadycam Basson Steady camera stabilizer support webpage.
We are here to help you.
Technical Assistance
If you need technical assistance for your steadycam camera stabilizer , you have all the detailed information on the CD included with the steady you bought as well as in the manual in pdf format, beyond this you can contact us for any technical query from any country in the world with a call from local phone, or through WhatsApp at +54911- 4472-6757
from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm from Monday to Friday, the East Coast of the United States, we speak English and Spanish, we also understand some Italian and French.
Request Help: send us an e-mail to describe the product's issue and provide your purchase information.
A service case will be generated automatically for you.
See our worldwide contact phones for local support telephone numbers
Pictures of our hybrid Steadycam gimbal
Basson Steady camera stabilizers
Welcome to the Steadycam Basson Steady camera stabilizer Photo Showcase.
Discover behind the scenes photos of our Hybrid Steadycam Basson Steady camera stabilizers.
Submit your own behind the scene photos to promote them in our website, to appear in our
“Customer photos” web page.
The best source for shopping professional hybrid steadycam camera stabilizers in New Zealand.
The professional Store for cinema and video gear, specialized on camera stabilizers, steadycam, camera gimbal, dslr gimbal, 3 axis gimbal, dslr stabilizer
Customer videos made with a steadycam Basson Steady camera stabilizer among their film gear
Welcome to the Steadycam Basson Steady camera stabilizer customer videos showcase,
lose yourself in phenomenal videos all made using any of our steadycam Basson Steady camera stabilizers within their filming equipment.
Submit your video to promote it within our website to appear on our
“Basson Steady Customer Videos ” web page.
Basson Steady Customer videos showcase
contact us by email to send us the link of your video.
For any other request from any country in the world give as a call from ny local phone from our contact section, or via WhatsApp to the following number +54911- 4472-6757
from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm from Monday to Friday, the East Coast of the United States, we speak English and Spanish, we also understand some Italian and French.
Request Help: send us an e-mail to describe the product's issue and provide your purchase information.
A service case will be generated automatically for you.
See our worldwide contact phones for local support telephone numbers
Customer Photos using a steadycam Basson Steady camera stabilizer
Welcome to the Steadycam Basson Steady camera stabilizer customer behind the scenes Photo Showcase, lose yourself in our happy customers photo showcase. Great behind the scenes memories while using any of our steadycam Basson Steady camera stabilizers.
Submit your behind the scene photos to promote it within our website, to appear in our
“Basson Steady Customer photos ” web page.
Basson Steady Customer Photo showcase
contact us by email to send us your behind the scenes photos.
For any other request from any country in the world give as a call from ny local phone from our contact section, or via WhatsApp to the following number +54911- 4472-6757
from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm from Monday to Friday, the East Coast of the United States, we speak English and Spanish, we also understand some Italian and French.
See our worldwide contact phones for local support telephone numbers
Legal notice: All brand names, photos, models, trademarks, and registered trademarks mentioned in this website are property of their legal owners and are being used here only for description.
Customer Testimonials
Sharing the experience of using a steadycam Basson Steady camera stabilizer
Product Feedback and reviews, a worldwide community of Happy Customers since 1997.
Decades of experience designing, manufacturing, selling and supporting professional camera stabilizers to the community of Professional Cinematographers and filmmakers worldwide, giving personalized support direct from our factory to all our customers worldwide.
We encourage our customers to share with us their experience with our camera stabilizers as well as to share their own photos. We strive to bring the best personalized experience to all our customers without intermediaries, among our customers are many professionals and amateurs, as well as Film Schools, Universities, students, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the world. We welcome your feedback reviews as well as your photos to post in our website and into our social media pages.
100% Ebay Positive Feedback user, pplaul
Steadycam Basson Steady camera stabilizer
Hear also the Testimonials straight from other Professional Sources
According to the report from StudioBinder about 15 best camera stabilizer systems, they qualified the new 8 axis hybrid camera stabilizer Basson Steady model Endless as the best vest system stabilizer on the market.
Pros: This stabilizer is really fun to watch. If you ever get the chance to operate it, you’ll quickly begin to understand why so many engineers and scientists seem to be a common profession among comic book villains.
The Basson Endless 3 is the Mac Laren of stabilizers.....
Another comment from a Professional Source:
According to Cinescopophilia website a professional source for filmmaker “Endless is an Amazing 8-axis Hybrid Camera Stabilizer” Basson Steady introduce the New World’s First 8 Axis Hybrid Camera Stabilizer with Electronic Horizon & Electronic Pitch.”
Another comment from a Professional Source:
From Mudville Dubai, professional filmmaking company from Dubai.
Today we got confirmation on our tracking number for our specialist steady system, its basically a steadycam on steroids with a gyro head, it allows us to setup quickly, move between the shots and the best thing it works with our EpicM and EpicX. It take us more then a year to decide on the best rig for our company and we are happy to say it will be here next week sometime. We invite all to come an view and can't wait to have it on set.
Are you ready for the new 8 axis Hybrid camera stabilizer Basson Steady model Endless?
for further information about our hybrid camera stabilization system please visit our website:
Contact us:
Steadycam Basson Steady camera stabilizer in U.S.A (United States)
For more information or for specific requests, please contact our customer service:
Miami U.S.A: +1 (305) 83-44752
International sales main contact Tel / whatsapp: + (54911) 4472-6757
New Zealand Auckland (+64) 98874615 (ext) 80043
(we take calls from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 17.00 (Time zone U.S.A East coast)
LEGAL NOTICE: All brand names, photos, models, trademarks, and registered trademarks mentioned in this website are property of their legal owners and are being used here only for description. The use of a mentioned trademark brand names to describe our goods or services is known as 'nominative fair use' this is a non-infringing use, this brand names are mentioned neither to create confusion, nor to disparaging the trademarked product.
It is also permitted to use a trademark as a means for comparison. Comparative advertising it is also allowed, since it benefits consumers by providing several options and encouraging competition. It is also allowed the use of similar words associated to registered brand names or products mentioned in this website that have become generic with the years due to their name's widespread popularity, it is a non-infringing use. These are uses that inform, educate, or express opinions protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, freedom of speech and of the press.
Hybrid Steadycam Basson Steady Camera Stabilizer test videos