At Basson Steady we believe in offering to our customers the best possible price, so we only sell direct from our factory to the end consumer, and we do not sell what we do not manufacture, so in order to be able to use our professional camera stabilizers our customers may need to buy couple of secondary accessories depending on the use of the Video camera stabilizer.
One of the best secondary accessories you may need to ad to the Video camera stabilizer is a reliable compact wireless video transmitter for the director and a wireless zoom controller.
The video signal from the camera to any of the two monitors that our hybrid stabilizer can hold, goes direct via HDMI wires already installed inside the center post, so for that you do not need it.
But if you want to send the video out to an external monitor for the director then you will need a wireless video transmitter and receiver with HDMI input, and for that we tested this brand and they work just fine.
So here we have a recommendation for our BASSON STEADY customers of a good brand of professional Lcd monitors at affordable prices with a huge selection of models to choose to satisfy any needs.
If you are looking to update your film gear to the new standards of professional camera stabilization system for the filmmaking industry, and if you are already tired of carrying a heavy weight RED digital cinema camera with your own hands on a handheld gimbal 3 axis stabilizer, then you must consider investing on the new Basson Steady 8 axis Hybrid camera stabilizer.
Teradek wireless video products are great to use with our new line of 8 axis hybrid gimbal Basson Steady camera stabilizers

Our prices in US$ dollars of our hybrid Basson Steady Camera Stabilizer DSLR gimbals, includes FREE SHIPPING worldwide door to door delivery by Fedex, also includes SALES TAX, VAT or TVA, and also includes FREE custom taxes up to 98%

For further information
about our hybrid camera stabilization system please visit our website:
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Basson Steady camera stabilizer in U.S.A (United States)
For more information or for specific requests, please contact our customer service:
Telephone Miami U.S.A: +1 (305) 83-44752
Tel / whatsapp: + (54 911) 4472-6757
(Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 17.00 (U.S.A East coast time)
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